Friday, February 1, 2008

First Few Days on the New Floor at the Exchange Tower

From Donna Ackers.

Help us identify some of these people by posting a COMMENT below.
Click on picture to enlarge.

1. In this picture: Harold Dawson, Harry Abbey
2. In this picture: Premier Bill Davis, Pearce Bunting
3. In this picture: Premier Bill Davis, Pearce Bunting, Jack Crumb,Mayor Paul Godfrey
4. In this picture: Mike Ackers, Brian Duff, Serge Dillon, Danny Bradore, Peter Erglis, Bob Mullet, Rick Craig, Jim McGann Jr.
5. In this picture: Danny Bradore, Ralph (Radar) Ditchburn
6. In this picture: Bill Walsh


  1. I see...Mike Ackers (wearing headphones), Brian Duff, Serge Dillon, Danny Bradore, Peter Eurgles (spelling?), Bob Mullet, Rick Craig

  2. Above comment is for pic #4. Danny Bradore is in pic #5.

  3. In picture 3 the curly-headed guy with glasses is Paul Godfrey, the then Mayor of Toronto.

  4. Erglis is the correct spelling

  5. In Pic.#4 I see Jim McGann Jr.
    In Pic.#5 I see Ralph (Radar) Ditchburn
    In Pic.#6 I see Bill Walsh

  6. In Pic#6 also George Skinner and Jackie Stevens, Eric#80, Jimmy Barkwell, Danny Brown, Eric#9 and Bruce#39.
