Friday, March 7, 2008

Women on the TSE Floor

As a tribute to International Women's Day, here are some female facts provided by John Manna:

  • In 1973, Heather Whitehead became the first female trader on the floor (Wood Gundy).

  • In 1985, Dorothy Hardman becomes the first female Market Surveillance Officer at the TSE.

  • In 1985, Fionnuala Martin becomes the first female Floor Official of the TSE.

  • In 1996, Susan Crocker becomes the first female Vice President of the TSE.

  • In 1999, Barbara Stymiest becomes the first female President of the TSE.

    1. In keeping with the wonderful chauvinist culture we men cultivated on the trading floor and in consideration of the humor that was so important to sanity maintenance, I suggest that we add a list of the numerous 'hotties' we all drooled over from time to time on any 'Women On The TSE Floor" list. There were some gorgeous girls working on the floor who tempted the best of us.

    2. You've got to be joking. How about the girls provide a list of the men they thought were worthless, or ugly....same difference wouldn't you say? But I imagine no one would be offended huh?
      I certainly know where my list starts.

    3. Obviously I AM joking. I guess you missed the part about humor! Were you ever ON the floor? If you are going to insult....sign your name.

    4. Wow! All in fun guys...all in fun. Lighten up and enjoy.

    5. Thanks Terri...You obviously 'get it'!

    6. :) You know me JJ....born and bred on the Trading Floor!

    7. It's Jim MacPherson Terri...and you do have an excellent pedigree. Your dad was one of my favourite people EVER on the floor!

    8. Sorry Jim! Nice to know who I'm addressing now. Love the pedigree comment....much better than being called a dog! :0 (sorry...kid of a sideways reference back to the hotties list...not on it...don't care!) And thanks for the kind words on dad. This site brings back so many fond memeories for Mike and I on both personal and professional levels.

    9. Missing the first black female trader Ann Samuels
