Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Rothmans Listing - April 10, 1961
Photo contributed by John Huckstep
TSE Traders Archive Surpasses 2000 Hits

The TSE Traders Archive has surpassed 2000 hits since its release at the beginning of August!
Give us your comments about what you like or would like to see here in the future. Click on the COMMENTS link at the bottom of this posting to submit your feedback.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Bob's Take on the Markets - Early 80s

To Bob's left is Smokey, who's gearing to party.
Photos contributed by Owen Ritchie
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Wall St. versus Bay St.
Monday, August 27, 2007

I continue to miss my daily contact, fellowship and camaraderie I shared with my colleagues and which I continue to miss to this day, some eighteen years later.
Nice Sunroof!
One great passtime on the trading floor was pulling gags on fellow traders. One of the best that I remember involved Doug Scott, the best gagster on the floor and Jim Ackers, one of the most mercurial traders working on the floor.
One Monday, Jim showed up late for work and told many traders that he was getting a sun roof put on his new Cadillac and he was very excited about it. Unfortunately, the word got to Doug Scott, who was exceptional with telephone gags. Sometime in the early afternoon, Doug, with a disguised voice called Jim to tell him the sun roof job was completed and that he was very satisfied with the job he had done and that Jim could come and pick it up anytime. The prankster Doug then told Jim that he must be one of the nicest men in the whole world, which took the mercurial Jim by surprise and Jim wanted to know why he said that. Prankster Doug told him that he had put hundreds of sun roofs on cars and this was the first time a request had come in for a sun roof for the passengers in the back seat.
Needless to say, after a few expletives, the telephone receiver went flying into the air.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Profile of DIANE LEWER
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Retired in 1991. A member of Hugh Clelands trader instruction group and much later a Floor Governor, Chairman and member of the Floor Procedure Committee.
"There is no other profession like it. You had to be part of it."
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Profile of RICK CRAIG

Memories include the summer of 1974 when some daily TSE total volumes were well under 1 million shares! And of the course 2 floor closures. Perhaps showing my age, the floors were certainly more fun , but grant the move to trading with computers was more productive and profitable.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I joined McLeod Young Weir & Company Limited on September 17, 1957, traded half the floor with Laurie Williams doing the other half.
In 1988 Bank of Nova Scotia purchased MYW, renamed it ScotiaMcLeod. I'm still there. No, I'm not in a rut! I happen to like it. I even like working with Kenny Assgrabber.
Fred's quote: "Don't Screw Up!"
Monday, August 20, 2007
Profile of JOHN MANNA

"I can't imagine missing the experiences of working on the floor of the TSE. Virtually everybody wanted to go to work everyday. It was just a constant experience that you didn't want to miss."
On the Floor, the Exchange carries out its supervisory function through three Floor Officials empowered, similarly to Floor Governors, to administer trading ruels and to settle disputes that may arise between traders as to their interpretation. They also report to Market Surveillance any unusual trading situations that come to their attention. - extracted from 1984 TSE Brochure
Thursday, August 16, 2007
TSE Floor in the 50s

The Salvation Army band playing at the TSE during Christmas.

Mr. Big's Day in the Dumps
At 4:00PM the bell rang and the day was done. Big and his friend may have gone to the Cork Room (trader's bar) for a couple of libations & caviar. Possibly a few drinks later, they left. As they pulled out of the parking lot, the sky was dark and the street lights were dim. The car though, was a smooth ride and Big couldn't wait to push it into high gear. Foot on pedal, the car roared like a lion hungry for power. In the dark, Big didn't notice the construction zone of the new Royal building across the street. The car roared and roared and alas, they swerved into the hole 35 feet below ground. The Rolls Royce was shiny no more. And the friend? He was not impressed.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Bay Street Insight

Traders is copyright Atlantis/Alliance
Photos contributed by Fred Ketchen
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Last Floor Trade - April 23rd, 1997

Monday, August 13, 2007
United Way 1989

Click on picture to enlarge
Scotia Teddy Bear Drive for the Hospital For Sick Children 1989